Individualised Living Options (ILO)

Supports to help you choose where you want to live and who you want to live with

Individualised Living Options (ILO) to suit your needs, and preferences and help you reach your goals

Many people with a disability may need support to live independently and to interact with their community. But they don’t all want to live in a group home with other people. Individualised Living Options (ILO) puts you in control of your living situation by giving you a choice in how you want to live.

With our extensive experience in the disability sector, and our dedicated carer and registered nurse network, we can provide ILO solutions to suit you. All our options are individually tailored to suit your needs and preferences With ILO, you’re in complete control of how you live. This may be:

  • Co-residency — You may have a housemate (or housemates) who provides you with care living in your home. This care could be on a full-time or part-time basis.
  • Host arrangement — Another person, couple or family ‘hosts’ you in their own home and provides some support. The host also receives funding from the NDIS Plan to provide this support.
  • Living Alone — You live on your own and receive the support you need.
  • Living Together — You live with someone else you already know. This arrangement is similar to how housemates usually find each other and decide to live together.

Our friendly team will help you plan the best ILO for you, and then take care of everything else to ensure that the right supports for you, and the people you live with are delivered in a timely manner.

Registered NDIS Provider

Home Care Experts is a Registered NDIS Provider, helping you navigate their wide range of support services. For all NDIS service enquiries please contact us today!

Founded & Operated by

Registered Nurses

Following COVID-19 Procedures